Access Logs

Access Logs -- What Are They?

When you order a Internetter Virtual Server, you get access logs for your account. If the Statistics program was installed with your account, the following information is generally unnecessary, since the Statistics program handles the access log graphically.

These logfiles are not part of your 30 megabytes of web and FTP space.

When visitors "access" your web pages via their web browser certain information is automatically logged to your "access.log" file. Below we'll tell you how to retrieve the files and how to read the information placed in these files.

Access Logs -- Where Are They?

Your access logs are located in


There are two files:

USERID.access.log USERID.error.log  

where USERID is your UserID of the form webxxxxx.

You can retrieve them through FTP. Connect to your site, and then change the directory to /var/log/httpd. Highlight your logfiles and transfer them to your computer.

The access logs are purged weekly, because they can get very large. If you need them, you should download them once a week. Access logs are refreshed every Monday (such as 12:30am Monday or so). You can find your previous week's log in the /var/log/previousLogs (note capital "L") directory. These files are overwritten with every week's update. If your access log data is important to you, we strongly suggest that you download your access logs often.

Although Internetter backs up the entire system regularly, the company is not responsible for retaining your access logs.

Reading Your Access Logs

Here is an example of one hit from a log file generated by our server: - - [01/Apr/1997:00:22:51 -0800] "GET /subdir/file.html HTTP/1.0" 200 1559  

Let's look at the logs line by line: