Continue The Wandering Story... stories of wandering philosophies and other ramblings

Interactive Storytelling at its Best Featuring the following stories:
The Avids

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At length time had come for many who had lost themselves. They knew who they were. Those people we called Avids. They were a sowly bunch, mostly young but old, mostly slow but very, very bold. In an older day they were worshipped, thought to have special powers beyond what is normal. I remember those days. In my world, things were always so mysterious and clear. The water was so green in the spring. The sky was always pure. There were times when I felt like flying about the brown, so light, brown trees. It was in those days the Avids came to me. At first they seemed... 4 mystical but then i notised they where machines.they talkt to my with a machinel voice to laed me into a new era.the era of polusion and disbelieve of magic and greay power the era of the vortex. 5 The end! 6 And then a man with a giant penis slapped me on the head! 7 Knocking out my 2 front teef, leaving me a stupid, welfare abusing, crack smokin, ebonics-speaking, ugly, toofless homosexual with 5 kids, genital herpes, and 3 overdue library books 8 Hi! 9 So they started doin' pornos with chickens and dogs and any type of animal you could think of. Think of it as Noah humping all of his animals fo 40 days. 10 ...anyway, this nightmare abated leaving me feeling a little self-abused, and not really knowing why. Maybe it was that the Avids had put these thoughts into my wasn`t unusual to be subliminally programmed by the Avids...they did have, after all, a sense of humor programmed into them by the same guys that wrote the lines for Archie Bunker in the Seventies... 11 ...who was now Bill Clinton`s campaign manager. 12 Hi everyone this Sabrina what is everyone doing? What is the topic of the story today? 13

The Avids had returned get left me feeling horny as ever , my member so hard it could've been a mountain cover with a silk blanket of sheet. I couldn't control it the Avids goddess like bodies were in demand , their figures unique with it's royal blue skin glistening in the dim fire light. 14 Suddenly, there she was, a goddess to them,

but to me, she was a bountiful prize worthy of

my taking. The men around me laughed "You can't

handle her "they said. But I took her all the same

I carried her off into the dark and 15 she smacked me and I dropped her just as we reached a lake. I begged her to take me back and she did. On the bank of the pond we shared our life stories. I told her of my time before the Avids and then I told her of the things they did to me. We talked for hours. When dawn was near, we decided to go for a swim in the lake. 16 She told me of love in the dark and the blinding illumination of truth. It hurt my mind. When she touched me it was a union of contradiction, metallic and pastel. 17

18 As she stood on the edge of the lake, I watched in awe at her beauty against the awakening dawn. There but for a moment, I slowly closed my eyes and she was gone. 19 She fell in the lake and drowned. Stupid Avid goddess couldn't swim. Must have been a blonde Avid. So I went back to the Avids camp and found me an ugly goddess, because, you know, the ugly ones are always the friendly ones, if you know what I mean. 20 so he strip off her cloths and fucked the shit out of her

21 Again, these momentary moorish nightmares possessed the realms of my mind. I arose from the edge of the lake where I was sitting and proceeded to head back towards home. 22 The delusional thoughts instilled in my mind by the Avids were unsettling. As I rambled along making headway down the path through the woods, I came upon a clearing which I had never notice before...leading me to believe that I was inadvertently lost. I stood there looking at.... 23

these two wild, young women who had obviously been drinking. They were fighting over a man standing in front of them. As I got closer I listened to what he was saying to them. He said ".....

24 . 25 I am the way, the truth, the light. Without me there is no hope for your entrance into the place where there is the security of eternal peace of mind. Without me, every fiber of your very soul will experience eternal pain and damnation. But stay with me, I will comfort you, protect you, and show you the path to freedom of spirit and will. You will want for nothing; your every need will be fulfilled, yet purity of heart and the strength of your individuality will remain and become the fountain of reality from which your existence will emanate. 26 . 27 ?????????????????????????????????????????????????

then i lie down at the bottom of the fountian and fucked the mermaid under there and she was a big WHORE! 28 with big tits at least thats what my mom said when she fucked her in the same fountain i don't know but i think that stupid ugly god damn whoring mermaid was a fucking lesbian with a major major gas problem 29 and yet agian, I told the voices in my head to SHUT UP! I was once again wandering down a path. Sent by the avids on a journey of knowledge. The nobelest of all quests. Thinking of my lost life that I chose to leave behind... 30 what the hell is the story about?

31 what is it about?


But alas,the Avids had destroyed everyones memory ,as they were truly evil beings in

most every way.Disguised as humans they have taken over virtually all traditional media

outlets.It was up to the flexible world community known as the internet to restore the

peoples minds even such mundane facts as there are fifty states or that Pearl Harbor

is in Hawaii. 33 slowly i

pulled out my

diick and

beat it

34 he rides off in to the sun set, as he going to find him self. 35 he had not gone far before finding himself for his mother had cut the pockets out of his jeans for x-mas beng they were so poor

36 after finding himself he rode off to find his wontan sister who had run off with the hershey highwaymen from just down the dirt road

37 struck with grief he sought a partner to confide in but alas there was only whores in the lonely part of the planet he was in so he had to be content with plain old sex workers, after venting his frustration he continued to 38 wander the great wide open space only to discover something never before known.

39 One day everything the Avids ever fought for totally vanished into thin air. Nobody ever thought of what really strange things actually made this weid occurence happen, nobody ever tried to stop it either. All of the bad smells and horrid gesters people made to them must of scared all the fles away that ever stood up for them.Because you never know when somebody is going to stab you in the back, those people are not your frends. Yor real friends stab you in the front. Thats why the Avids were so close to the flees..... 40 You see, getting stabbed in the front feels better to some of the Avids. There is the greek Avid who prefers getting stabbed in the back. THEN..... just as suddenly as everything disappeared, it REappeared, only now it was beautiful! The Avids had gotten their reward for all of their hardships. At last, they would know the ultimate joy of.....

41 What the hell kind of story is this anyway 42 fuk off 43 Seeing the destitution of this pittiful world convert itself to the blissful pain of the loveless hoard known as society. They now can idle themselves in eternal damnation

44 and when she came home he went down on her sucking on the skin next to her breast. AS she recovered form the hit she had recieved she enguaulphed him in parrel.

45 UMMMM , yeah, and then she fell asleep and the sun came out and melted the ice that she had been sucking on, she then awoke and the water from all the melted ice froze her like a glacier, ummmm yeah. 46 THEN THE HEAT FROM HIS THROBBING MANHOOD BEGAN MELTING THE ICE HER HEARING HIS MOANS AND GROANS BEGAN TO MAKE HER LOVEBOX HOT WITH DESIRE HE THEN SWEPT HER UP AS HEAVY AS THE ICE HAD MADE HER AND PLACED HER IN THE HOT TUB WERE MELTDOWN TOOK PLACE. 47 i put my big cock in her wet pussy and she just started screem and said goddam thats the biggist cock ive ever seen


Then reality kicked in. Its all over and its all about to begin I thought as the paper was handed out. I was ready but darkness descended on the room and, for a time, everyone shuddered as the impending sense of doom was tangible. Then it passed, we opened our exam papers, evryone started writing. I utilised the medium which would dismiss me from the fellowship forever until I joined another.... 49


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Contributors for the Story Above:
3. Jim Walker ( from IP on .
28. whore (fucked mydad@whorehouse.inn) from IP on Thursday, February 25, 1999.
29. your mom (yourmamma@fuck.inn) from IP on Thursday, February 25, 1999.
30. CC ( from IP on Friday, February 26, 1999.
31. leveda ( from IP on Friday, February 26, 1999.
32. veda ( from IP on Friday, February 26, 1999.
33. Barry ( from IP on Sunday, March 07, 1999.
34. gene ( from IP on Wednesday, March 10, 1999.
35. john blechl ( from IP on Saturday, March 20, 1999.
36. full fists ( from IP on Saturday, March 20, 1999.
37. full fists ( from IP on Saturday, March 20, 1999.
38. luke ( from IP on Wednesday, March 31, 1999.
39. jeff ( from IP on Thursday, April 01, 1999.
40. Tanya Johnson ( from IP on Monday, April 12, 1999.
41. dusty ( from IP on Friday, April 23, 1999.
42. SL ( from IP on Sunday, April 25, 1999.
43. hamada alhor ( from IP on Monday, May 17, 1999.
44. James ( from IP on Saturday, May 22, 1999.
45. mark ( from IP on Saturday, May 22, 1999.
46. Michelle ( ) from IP on Sunday, May 23, 1999.
47. LEXIS (LEXIS23) from IP on Thursday, May 27, 1999.
48. vern (luce) from IP on Saturday, May 29, 1999.
49. Roy ( from IP on Sunday, June 20, 1999.


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Copyright ©
Steve Coulson, 1997.
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