  Welcome to Internetter.com Interactive

What's New or Coming Soon at
Internetter.com Interactive

World Wide Operations
Since 1995

Toll Free Support

What's New at Internetter.com Interactive
( See Site Tips and Tricks below )

Monday, January 12, 1997

Since last entry::
Enhanced graphics on site for WebTV compatibility
- Updated links on the
Cool Links page
- Updated links on the
HTML page
- Modified color scheme on
Hosting page
- Updated
Video page links to information and added quicktime movie

Tuesday, December 15, 1997

Since last entry::
Updated Web Service page to include additional discounts and details.
Changed home page message.
- Updated
Free CGI's page.
- Slight change made to VLINK on all pages.
Chat Rooms format changed.

Friday, December 5, 1997

Since last entry::
Modified/Updated Technical Support pull dowm menu.
- Added Myth: The Fallen Lords
Chat Room .

Friday, November 14, 1997

Since last entry::
Modified Commissions page and added commissions submission form for check mailing.
- Reduced cost of Domain Name
registration to $49.
- Reduced cost of Business Web Server to $59/mo.
- Modified
About Us page to clarify priorities - service!
- Updated
Web Design and billing process page.
- Updated
Search Engine Metatags Tips paper.
- Updated the
Music pull down menu on the home page

Friday, October 31, 1997

Since last entry::
Added additional categories hosting support documention (see new pull down menu).
- Added Fractals Slideshow to
Art Page.

Thursday, September 25, 1997

- Major upgrade in the hosting support documention (see new pull down menu)

Friday, September 19, 1997

- Added Music Pulldown menu to home page
- Added additional Bird sounds to
Music page .

Monday, September 15, 1997

- Updated pricing on Web Services Order Page

Thursday, September 11, 1997

- Updated the hosting information pages with our new increased bandwidth capabilities numbers .
- Updated
Web Services Order Page with new free CGI/PERL scripts for 6/12 mo. accounts (added Password Protection and Mailing List)
- Updated
Free Web Services information page.

Friday, September 2, 1997

- Added the Interactive Story Book

Friday, August 15, 1997

- Updated Web Services page regarding Autoresponder account to read autoresponder account format is: your_name@automaticmail.com

Tuesday, August 12, 1997 at 14:23:00

Since last entry::
- Updated
Site Search Engine
- Misc. additions to the
CGI interactivity page
Web Services page updated. Some services and pricing changes.

Monday, July 28, 1997 at 09:51:00

Since last entry::
- Added
BSDI 3.0 vs NT comparison to Hosting information page.
- Some price changes made to the
Rental FAQ pricing and demo page .
- Auto Responder service added to the
Web Services page.
- Bulk Web mail discount pricing added to the
Web Services page.

Monday, June 30, 1997 at 23:34:25

Since last entry::
- Complete redo of the
Web Services page
and all associated pages.
- New services include SSL and Training added to web hosting accouts.
- Web hosting rates changed to 1mo. discount for 6mo. orders and 2mo. discount for 12mo. orders.
- Updated the
Music page (eliminated all Javascript)
- Added Java ticker to
home page .

Monday, May 15, 1997 at 10:21:10

Since last entry::
- Updated the
HTML Tips page
- Added the
Internetter TV page to demonstrate video technologies on the Web
- Reformatted the Web Services Order page to reduce confusion over what services are included in the
Professional Web Hosting package
- Added additional information and links to the
SSI page
- Updated the
M:tg Oasis page

Tuesday, April 15, 1997 at 12:23:17

- Complete retool of site, removing JavaScript buttons, due to client errors and speed issues.

Thursday, April 10, 1997 at 15:38:17

- Increased number of rooms in Chat area and other chat modifications.

Wednesday, April 9, 1997 at 08:59:49

- The RealAudio 3.0 Server and RealVideo Server are in the process of installation along with an upgrade of our 20 stream server to a 60 stream server. Interestingly, we haven't had any problems using RA 3.0 sound files with the current setup. Quality is still excellent (probably a byproduct of our extreme bandwidth).
- The FrontPage server is running great. From all tests it appears we could win the fastest FrontPage server on the planet award (if there was one). It took a couple of months, but we tweaked a unix server to meet the troublesome Microsoft extensions requirements.
- The new
chat room appears to be running fine and we'll most likely expand it to cover multiple discussion groups. We've had problems with chat scripts before, but this one appears to quite stable.

Monday, March 24, 1997 at 12:44:54

- Added services to the Web Services page (RealAudio FTP Account and others).
- Added additional progressive sets to the
Music + Center .
- Added
Chat Room .
- Updated the
Magic: The Gathering hobby center BBS and Forum.
- Updated
Web Comparison Chart .
- And many other changes...

Wednesday, March 19, 1997 at 18:17:21

- Added SSI: The WebMasters Secret Weapon to the Internetter's Papers section
- Added IP pointing to the
Web Services page in the Hosting section
- Minor typos fixed on the Web Providers
Comparison page in the Services section
- Rewrote overview of
Web Server Facilities in the Hosting section.

Thursday, March 13, 1997 at 18:19:20

Moved site to new faster server.
- Resolving broken links (lots of them)
- Updated most pages on the site (about, art, etc.)

Monday, February 24, 1997 at 15:09:26

- Finally added this "What's New" page.
- Enhanced most of the services section.
- Added SD Link Exchange graphic
- Changed font style throughout

Site Tips and Tricks at Internetter.com Interactive
As you meander through this site you may stumble upon an "odd" page or two. Many of these pages were created to showcase a particular technology, or were added to support one of Internetter's presentations. Here are some direct links to some "odd" pages:

Web Page Style Sheet . The future of Web page design on one page-- use it or fall behind. This was our original style sheet. It's somewhat dated since everyone seems to be using the same format now, but it has its nostalgic value. Our latest Web Design Strategies paper is located on the same page.

Click on the Internetter logo on the home page to hear a "quick" RealAudio welcome message. The 'About' page and the 'Art' page also have RealAudio file introductions- if you feel brave today...

Try the Music+ Console for MIDI music and inspiration while surfing the Net.

Try the /audio directory for a mix of odd music files or the /java directory for Java files.